This time of year is inherently wonderful thanks to its
religious significance,but also for the generally gracious and giving attitudes it
brings out in many people. One of my favorite parts of the season has always
been the decorations that illicit such joy and hope in all of us. Wreaths and holly on store fronts, garland and snowflakes
draped everywhere, and ALL OF THE LIGHTS! White lights should grow on trees. Just saying.
Sadly, when my family moved from Maryland to Florida, one box that got
lost contained some of the items I looked most forward to seeing each year – a
couple of wooden reindeer, a Precious Moments nativity, and a countdown
calendar with a small stuffed bear that moved among numbered pockets each day
that brought us closer to Christmas. My sister and I used to fight every
morning over which of us would get to move the bear and, oddly, it is one of my
fondest memories. I want my children to someday have the same experience of fighting
over Christmas countdowns (is that weird of me?) and for me to smile while assigning them odd and even
days to end the argument.
The logical solution was that I make my own calendar to
replace the one that was lost. One bear, 24 pouches, not too bad. I can handle that. And then came
Pinterest. Evil Pinterest. In my browsings one day I stumbled upon something
called a Jesse Tree. It is a Christmas countdown based on Bible verses and key
people leading up to the birth of Jesus. I was drawn to it because it will give
my children a symbol to attach to different bible verses and adds to the Advent
focus on spiritual preparation for Christmas.
This website was very helpful by explaining the
purpose of the tree, the construction of it all, and her links to other
resources helped me design my ornaments.
Basically, the Jesse Tree is like the countdown I had in
mind from my childhood, but on crack and steroids and skittles. Midway through the project I
thought maybe I’d bitten off more than I could chew; after hours upon hours of working on
it I was ready to be done! I persevered, though, and completed it this
afternoon. It was a “praise Jesus!” moment when I got to hang it on the coat
closet door in place of our autumn wreath.
I had briefly looked at Etsy to see how much such a Jesse
Tree would cost to purchase, and
the one that I liked best was completely
hand-sewn and went for almost $300.00. I was a little stunned at the price – I mean,
it is felt and embroidery thread. WELL, I now understand the logic behind the cost, and let me tell
you that no amount of money can tear my newly made calendar from my grasp! I
spent too much time cutting and sewing and pricking my fingers and getting
cramps in my elbow and back to ever part with it. It had better not ever get lost in a move and my children had better
cherish it and treasure it and treat it very well, or else I will be hanging
all the ornaments on the tree myself! Okay, maybe I won’t be that mean, but
this was a lot more work than I bargained for. Take a look-see for yourself:
I learned how to properly chain stitch and back stitch. |
I freehand stitched that! |
First go-around with a satin stitch. |
French knots in the house! |
Here is what the tree looks like on December 5th. |
The back of each ornament is labeled and there are Bible verses assigned to each one as a daily meditation. |
Full size shot from December 5th. |
Here is what the tree will look like all filled with ornaments! |
I am looking forward to December 24th! |