Today is Baby Smith's estimated due date, and so far, he or she has not made any effort to join the rest of us out here. So instead of showing off a baby, I will show off the little nest we have created for our bundle of joy! It has been a lot of fun to put it all together and I can't wait to share it with our baby.
I found this shower curtain and the towels on clearance at Target and they became the inspiration for the color scheme in the nursery. |
I liked the idea of gray walls and so we also chose a gray crib. All of those paint samples looked so similar on paper, we were surprised to see how different they appeared on the wall and up close to the crib. We chose a color called Pebble Gray, which I believe is the one all the way on the right. Coincidentally, my sister painted her nursery the same color! My Mama came to visit in June and, as usual, she couldn't help but paint something. She painted EVERYTHING in the nursery. The ceiling, baseboards, closets, walls, and four brand new doors. What a rock star she is. :) |
I am excited to read lots of books to Baby! |
Mr. Fox |
This piece of artwork was inspired by the invitation and decorations that my friends made for a baby shower they hosted, inspired by The Sound of Music. |
Diapers for a small butt! |
So many tiny things! |
We are ready for Baby Smith's first Sunday Mass, we just need to know which outfit to choose. |
The chair in the corner is Drew's office chair. Eventually it will be replaced by the glider we are refinishing. And by "we," I mean that he is doing 98% of the work. Because he is wonderful. |
Okay, Baby, we are ready for you! You can come on out, now!