Thursday, October 24, 2013

Part 2: "Never" Advice for the Bride and Groom

Never tell your husband he is bad at taking pictures with you.
It doesn't help.
And it makes him feel sad.

Yesterday I began sharing some of the advice that Drew and I were given on our wedding day. The "always" advice was very sweet and fairly tame. Now onto the "never" advice! Many of these things my husband and I would never do anyway, but I noticed that these little tidbits are especially important because the things we have been reminded to never do or say are the things that come most naturally to us; this is where we have the most work to do to fight against our instincts and improve ourselves. As you read through the list, remember that the word "never" goes before each piece of advice. If you forget that, it starts to sound a bit strange!

My advice for a happy marriage is to NEVER . . . 

  • fight unless it’s important
  • spend too much time apart <= We have had enough of that, already!
  • eat MSG Chinese food
  • poop your pants <=At least not until we hit 100 years old.
  • kick dogs or puppies
  • storm out – stay and talk it through
  • stop dancing
  • confuse "your" and "you’re," especially if Angie is watching <=Amen!
  • eat the last piece of cake in the house unless you’re Angie <=Drew will cut sweets in half over and over again until I give in and finish off the last bite. :)
  • poo with the door open <= gross
  • go to bed angry (x10)
  • give up
  • hold grudges (x3)
  • hold anything back (x2)
  • stop loving
  • boil chicken after midnight <=????
  • domestically abuse each other <= seems like solid advice
  • bottle things up (get it all out!)
  • nit pick <=This is one of my biggest weaknesses.
  • force the other to change
  • put yourself first (x2)
  • put each other down in front of others <=I can't even say how many times I have read or heard this advice!
  • say “never”
  • say “no” to the other’s dreams <= More importantly, encourage those dreams!
  • lie
  • make housework a competition
  • criticize each other out loud <= I need to work on this one, too.
  • say anything you’ll regret later
  • have a better friend than each other <= BFFL!
  • stop listening
  • stop celebrating
  • not call to tell her you’ll be late
  • be sarcastic to each other <=EPIC fail on this one. We speak sarcasm fluently.
  • cause your spouse to not trust you
  • cheat
  • root for the ‘Noles <= NEVER!! Unless they are playing someone I dislike more. Like Duke.
  • fight over money <= We need to have some before we can fight over it, lol.
  • do whatever you want when she says, “do whatever you want”
  • squeeze the toothpaste from the middle <=RIGHT?! WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS?!
  • take a small moment for granted
  • compare and get snarky
  • take life for granted
  • take the other for granted

Tomorrow you'll get to see the "don't forget" advice, which is full of fun!

What other "never" advice do you have for us?